A Hopefully Inspirational Weight Loss Story

Dropping 30 pounds with minimal discipline

While I’ve never been especially fit, neither am I overweight. I’ve been 150 pounds since college. I was 150 during my wedding. My thermostat was set at 150, and although it swung up and down a few pounds, I’d guess it was me.

Until I was hospitalised at 44. The six months of sitting around in bed appeared to reset my system, and in a shockingly short period, I weighed 180. No matter what I tried, this was my new normal. Newly split, living alone, I believe I had formed new habits: staying up late, nibbling on peanut M&Ms, and having my laptop in bed with me; it was the last thing and the first thing I saw every day. I was also beginning to date.

On one such occasion, I met Katie, a lady who was a prominent SF yoga teacher, but more than that, she was a practitioner of ayurveda. Up until that time I believed that yoga glorified stretching, and I had nothing to do with it. Katie, in her charmingly effervescent southern charm,...........

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